The Reservation Changelog tool surfaces actions made from the Host app or Dashboard and displays them under the guest’s reservation. The goal of the changelog is to track the customer journey and provide accountability for actions taken on a reservation by employees.
Please note that this feature requires additional setup. To enable the Reservation Changelog, please have a brand administrator contact Engage Support
Changelog Tracked Actions
Tracked Employee Actions
Host App
- Updating the reservation party size
- Updating the reservation date and/or time
- Canceling a reservation
- Confirming a reservation
Notifying a reservation
- Updating the reservation party size
- Updating the reservation date and/or time
- Creating a reservation
- Canceling a reservation
- Updates to pre-paid gifts
Tracked Non-Employee Actions
Non-user PIN actions are also tracked. For example, if a party is canceled by an automated SMS message, the automation event is included in the list, and the changelog will reflect “Left waitlist via automation.”