Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) enable brands to maintain precise control of their Olo data and experiences via flexible user permissions and access rules within the Engage Dashboard. With RBAC, brand admins can decide which users can take specific actions such as editing, deleting, creating, and exporting, and the feature in which to apply those actions such as Guest Profile, Computed Properties, and Segments.
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RBAC Key Terms
Role: A user's role is a predefined set of permissions that govern what they can and can't do within the dashboard. The RBAC system incorporates familiar roles such as admin and staff but also adds an additional 'system default' role of marketer. RBAC also allows your brand to create custom roles to meet specific needs such as Franchisee, Field Marketer, and Guest Experience--the possibilities are endless.
- Pro Tip: Generally speaking, Role = Permission
User Group: This represents a collection of users who all share some sort of attribute that further determines access rules. In practice user groups are often used to support location or geographically based access--for example a Franchise Group or Regional Field Marketing Group--but there is no direct relationship between a User Group and locations/merchants. It is more accurate to think of a user group as a team or collection of people.
- Reminder: Users can have different Roles within the same User Group; Roles and User Groups control different things.
- Pro Tip: Generally speaking, User Group = Access
Resource Filtering and Sharing: This is the ability for certain users to share or grant access to specific resources to other members of their User Group. Resource filtering and sharing apply to to the following elements of the dashboard:
- Segments
- Campaigns
Only the resources that have been that have been shared with a specific user group will be visible to that user group. The exception to this is Admins, who have the ability to view all assets/resources and the ability to 'View as User Group' via the drop down selector.
Assigning Roles and User Groups to Users
- Role: Select from one of the three system defaults, or assign a custom role (see below on
how to create) - Locations: Although location access does not have any effect within the Marketing tools, it is still required and impacts Host and Sentiment
User Group: Select from the predefined User Groups